Processing & Technology - Food Preservation Techniques

Provisur at Expo Carnes y Lacteos 2025: Innovations from leading brands with an extensive portfolio of meat processing technology

March 2025

Processing & Technology - Food Preservation Techniques

Provisur at Expo Carnes y Lacteos 2025: Innovations from leading brands with an extensive portfolio of meat processing technology

March 2025

Provisur, a leading industrial food processing equipment manufacturer headquartered in Chicago, will present a range of exciting innovations at Expo Carnes y Lacteos, the major food equipment and technology exhibition taking place in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, March 4-6. Internationally renowned for its innovative solutions, Provisur will showcase cutting-edge developments in meat processing. Additionally, the company’s booth will highlight advanced technology in further processing, forming and DMC (Defrosting, Marinating, Slicing) equipment.

The Weiler® 1612 – powerful performance for frozen grinding

Designed to deliver premium quality end product from within the most demanding of work environments, the Weiler 1612 is the perfect choice for a wide range of mid to high volume tempered and frozen block grinding applications. Rugged construction and innovative engineering produce coarse grinds at exceptional throughput rates, assuring you a low total cost of ownership. Those are just a few of the reasons why the Weiler 1612 Grinder is on the processing lines of many of the biggest names in food.

The Formax® F6 – High efficiency with small footprint for smaller volumes

The Formax F6 is a compact and dependable machine capable of producing a broad range of meat, poultry and non-meat products including burger patties, pork sausage, chicken filets and chicken nuggets. The Formax F6 delivers precise weight and shape control while forming products with a natural texture and excellent appearance. Featuring a small footprint and quick changeover capability, the F6 is both versatile and efficient. With a production capacity of 450 Kgs. (1,000 Lbs.) per hour, F6 throughput is ideally suited for the smaller processor, R&D lab, or for lower throughput lines in larger processing facilities. The proven and pneumatic knock-out system will accurately place formed products on conveyors for further processing.

DMC– Versatile process integration with Tumbling Equipment

Provisur will be showcasing Lutetia’s T7 tumbler, which features the patented steam-vacuum technology that helps to increase yield up to 8%. The machine is designed for smaller capacities, allowing versatile process integration from DMC – defrosting, marinating curing, tenderizing, cooking as well as drying or smoking - and efficient tumbling processes. Another  benefit is the low total cost of ownership . Provisur specialists will consult interested visitors in how to optimize the applications for their needs.

Brian Perkins, President of Provisur Technologies, says, “We are proud to present our extensive range of innovations at Expo Carnes. And we are looking forward to welcoming our customers and everyone who is interested in our solutions in person. We can’t wait to prove our concept of “pushing boundaries” with new solutions for meat, poultry, plant-based food and pet food applications.”

Provisur at Expo Carnes, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, 2025:

Booth: #1430

March 4-6, 2025

Provisur Technologies

Provisur® Technologies of Chicago, Illinois, USA, with several locations globally, specializes in innovative industrial food processing machines as well as integrated production systems for a wide range of end products. With several well-known and time-honored brands, which are among the technology leaders in the sector, operate under the umbrella of the company. With its product portfolio, divided into the areas of Slicing (Cashin®, Formax®, Hoegger®), Further Processing (Weiler® and Formax®), DMC (Lutetia®) and Separation (AM2C®, Beehive®, Hoegger®), Provisur provides food processing companies with maximum efficiency solutions for requirements of any size.

For more information, visit Provisur at or contact us at